“I had a good day today”

Five days of preschool, five days of heart wrenching drop-offs. But, pickups have been getting better! 

Today she was crying in the yard again when I came to pick her up, but both she and the teachers said she had a much better day today than the past three. So when I heard “I had a good day today” from the little panda’s mouth herself, it was music to my ears. 

In fact, I couldn’t get her to leave for 20 minutes after asking her to show me her newest discovery, the class computer. Future software developer like her daddy, maybe?

One of my favorite parts of pickups are seeing the drawings that the teachers encourage Zoe to do when she’s missing Mommy and Daddy. This one’s my new fave!

Hoping and praying that she soon starts to love her preschool and her classmates. The good news is that she loves her teachers! That makes a mama happy (and relieved) too. Love this girl so very much!