Zoecabulary, 18 months minus 1 day

Today’s moments of delight:

– Saying “Zoe!” in an admonishing tone when she throws something on the ground.

– Saying “How aboooout…?” when leaning over the arm of the rocking chair to choose another book to read.

– Becoming uncannily accurate in mimicking words and sentences.

If only I could catch it all on vid!

Things that make me go “Awww” – 17 mos

Hearing her sound out her own name

Kissing her cheek and hearing her say, “More” (or more precisely, “Mo”)

Being woken up to the singing of “Happy Birthday”

Hearing “Hi. Hi. Hi. Hi. Hi.” accompanied with a wave to the fish every time she passes him

And of course, hearing, though not necessarily knowing whether it’s intentional or not, “Mama, mama, mama, mama”.


Blowing Our Minds

This little girl’s just blowin’ our minds every. single. day! New words, new signs, new songs, new dance moves…I can’t keep up!

To add to the list of words:

  • Down
  • Done
  • Off
  • “Hao chi” (tastes good)

And signs:

  • Sleep
  • Done

So many more I’m sure, but this is what I’ve got for now!

Zoecabulary: 16 month

Zoe’s vocabulary is blowin’ up! Her latest set of words:

  • YAO! (as in “Yao bu yao? YAO!” in Mandarin. Translation: “Would you like some? YES!”)
  • Op-EEEEENNNN! (said with much gusto and with accent on the 2nd syllable, often whilst holding a pack of cookies)
  • Orange (referring to lil cuties)
  • Beets (mom and dad’s go-to food when we can’t get her to eat anything else)
  • Poo-poo
  • Change
  • Eat! mum-mum
  • Sit
  • Pouch
  • Ahyi
  • Tso tso (translation: stinky, as in feet!)
  • Bei bei (translation: blanky)
  • Hao chi (tastes good)
  • Change (she looooves doing this one)
  • Eat
  • Airplane
  • More
  • Milk

Other accomplishments:

  • She can almost count to 10! She does much better in English than in Mandarin, but she’s definitely got the right sounds going in both.
  • Loves to sing: “Ba Luobo” (pick daikon radish), ABCs
  • Loves to dance, clap her hands and do “dance hands”