Addicted to YouTube

YouTube’s been equal parts blessing and curse. Zoe LOVES watching vids of her fave nursery songs on it for endless stretches of time.

And though all the books say to avoid screen time altogether until at least age 2, she’s learned practically all the words to Wheels on the Bus, Old MacDonald, and Five Little Monkeys from it for sure, studying each vid with such deep interest and concentration that I feel way less guilty getting in some laptop time while she watches. 😛

Well, everything in moderation, right? Ha, ya right! As with everything, it’s SO hard to say no when those big sad eyes are pleading for more “yes sir yes sir three bags full”. 😉

Full sentences!

It’s been at least a week or so, but Zoe has started stringing words together to make up full, if short, sentences!

This morning as I tried to rock her back to sleep (or at least to a state where she might try to go back to sleep), she asked, “Beh Beh tsai na li?” (Where is Bear Bear?)

And also, after asking for Dada and I said Dada’s sleeping, she said “Dada sleeping. Home.” which almost made me tear because Dada hasn’t been home since the 30th! Waaaah.

Still signing, too. She also asked for Ahma, and I replied that Ahma’s sleeping. She made the sleeping sign over my face and said “Ahma sleeping. Mommy sleeping.”

Guess I shouldn’t be all that surprised since she’s been singing full songs in both Chinese and English (but mostly Chinese) for a few months now, but still!

And yesterday, “He guo zi.” (Drink fruit juice.) Ha!