What could be happier…

…than hearing your babe wake up singing her favorite tunes?

These are some of Zoe’s current faves:

  • Wheels on the Bus
  • Five Little Monkeys
  • You are My Sunshine
  • Tomorrow (from the movie Annie)
  • Xiao Xiao Niao
  • Ring Around the Rosie
  • C is for Cookie
  • Baa Baa Black Sheep
  • ABC
  • …and a handful of Chinese ones that I unfortunately don’t know!

One of my other fave things right now is watching her interact with her stuffed toys (especially whichever her current favorite Bear Bear is at the moment) in increasingly “sophisticated” ways: feeding, tickling, hugging, diapering, dressing and otherwise lovin’ on them like they’re her little babies. You’re growin’ up so fast, baby!