I pooped in the potty!

Last night my big little girl celebrated a huge milestone: pooping in the potty for her very first time! 

It was unprompted (well, after a couple weeks of renewed encouragement for her to try) and happened just after lights off. She declared that she felt like pooping, and she wanted to do it in the toilet. I was already half asleep and not that inclined to get up for a false alarm, but I’m glad that I did!

I’m not sure which of us was more excited and proud. Well okay, I’m pretty sure it was me! Jimmy’s lucky I didn’t take a photo of the poops themselves, which I was tempted to do. I mean, they were pretty big! And made such a loud plopping noise when they hit the water that Zoe’s eyes got big and she demanded to know, “What’s that?!” 

And when one of the poops kind of disintegrated when she flushed, turning the water brown, she looked at me with concern. To which I said, “Bye bye poop!”

Here’s the little one’s victory dance: