Two teeth!

Little Maya’s first tooth came in a few weeks ago, followed by her second tooth last week while we were in Maui. Sweet girl has been drooling like a faucet since she was three months old and finally has something to show for it!

Is it tomorrow today?

Zoe’s been ridiculously sweet lately, melting our hearts left and right. She offers to lend a hand with all kinds of things, tells Mei Mei how pretty she looks, says thank you for helping her with various things, and otherwise just being a real sweetheart…and for the most part without asking for anything (like an episode of Caillou) in return.

But one of my favorite conversations with her that comes up time and again goes something like this (and in fact I just heard her having this conversation with her Daddy, which is why I thought of it):

Z: Is it preschool today?
Me: No, no preschool today. Today is Tuesday. So you have preschool tomorrow, on Wednesday.
Z: Oh! Today is Wednesday?
Me: Today is Tuesday. Tomorrow is Wednesday.
Z: Okay. Is it tomorrow today?
Me: No, tomorrow is tomorrow. Right now is today.
Z: Today is tomorrow?
Me: No, today is today. After today is tomorrow.
Z: What are we having for lunch?

Apparently we’re not doing a great job of teaching the concept of time, but…we’re working on it!