
Mei Mei’s giving Zoe a run for her money in competing for the Ms. Chatterbug title around these parts. Our littlest one can now be heard babbling her way through the day, and one of her newest words (as of about last week) is…Zoe! Which makes sense, considering that Zoe is her most favorite person in the entire world. ❤️ Now if only I could catch it on video…

Soon to be speaking!

Not only has our little Mei Mei been crawling to and fro, pulling herself up on furniture and not quite cruising but reeeeeally wanting to, she’s also been imitating words and now, without a doubt, saying “nai nai” for milk and “yu yu” for fish (when she sees Jobee, Zoe’s little betta fish). 

I’m pretty sure she also means it when she says “Ahma”, which she’s been saying very clearly for at least a couple months now but especially when Ahma is actually here, and she definitely says “da da” lately when she sees Daddy (as opposed to just all the time :P). 

She’s also getting pretty darn good at imitating sounds and words. Such a blast!

Our little time manager

Jimmy’s working from home this morning since he’ll be leaving tomorrow for another round-the-world business trip. 

Some of the chatter I’m hearing from downstairs:

Daddy, can you send 26 emails right now so you can be done working?

Daddy, work very very fast so you can walk me to school before it rains!

Daddy, you know Marshmallow from Frozen? Is Marshmallow going to ice dance at Disney on Ice? Yes? He is? But he doesn’t have any feet! He has so much snow!

7th day of preschool

Her best day yet! So brave at dropoff, sitting tight in her seat and mournfully wishing me “Bye Mommy” and reminding me to “Pick me up after playground” and “Leave the door open” (part of our new goodbye routine) as I left, even through her giant crocodile tears. 

So proud, my heart could burst. If it weren’t already cracked wide open from all the tearful goodbyes these past dropoffs. Yea, I’m a wuss, but whatevs!

“I had a good day today”

Five days of preschool, five days of heart wrenching drop-offs. But, pickups have been getting better! 

Today she was crying in the yard again when I came to pick her up, but both she and the teachers said she had a much better day today than the past three. So when I heard “I had a good day today” from the little panda’s mouth herself, it was music to my ears. 

In fact, I couldn’t get her to leave for 20 minutes after asking her to show me her newest discovery, the class computer. Future software developer like her daddy, maybe?

One of my favorite parts of pickups are seeing the drawings that the teachers encourage Zoe to do when she’s missing Mommy and Daddy. This one’s my new fave!

Hoping and praying that she soon starts to love her preschool and her classmates. The good news is that she loves her teachers! That makes a mama happy (and relieved) too. Love this girl so very much!

2nd day of preschool!

Me: Aww, you cried a little bit, Zoe?

Zoe: No, I cried a LOT. 

My baby girl had a bit of a rough day at her second day at preschool that both started and ended in tears. :/ Made for quite the heartbreak on Mommy’s end, even though I know it’s supposed to get easier…

Happily, she bounced right back as soon as we got in the car. Here she is puffy-eyed but smiling. 

Daddy treated her to a game of Candyland when we got home. It’s her 2nd time ever, so she kind of makes up her own rules. 😛

And I busted out our Popsicle maker for a refreshing frozen after-school treat!

She was a satisfied customer. :]

Fingers crossed that Wednesday will go a little easier on my little monster. ❤️


Doing it! Officially recording Maya’s first word as “hi”, at 5 weeks old. Say Hiiiiii to her often enough in a high-pitched baby talk tone, and she’ll (okay maybe only sometimes) respond back with…”Hi”!