Bye bye, Bei Bei

Another sign our number one girl’s growing up: she doesn’t bring her little pink blankie to school anymore for naptime. Out of the blue a couple of weeks ago, she just declared she didn’t need it anymore. We humored her by saying sure, sure okay but then packing it in her backpack anyway, certain she wouldn’t be able to sleep without it. The first time that happened, she returned home asking why I’d packed it for her when she’d said she didn’t want it. By the second week, she seemed determined to leave it at home, assuring me she’d sleep fine without it and that they had “cuddle toys that friends can borrow” in case they need it for naptime. So, I left it at home! And sure enough, she made it through the day. Her teacher Ms. Phoi said it took her a little longer to fall asleep but that eventually she did just fine. It’s now been two weeks, and as promised, she’s doing just fine Bei Bei-less. *sniff* Bei Bei’s still a fixture at home, though, especially at night, which brings both of us some comfort. :] Don’t grow up too fast, sweet girl!

Two teeth!

Little Maya’s first tooth came in a few weeks ago, followed by her second tooth last week while we were in Maui. Sweet girl has been drooling like a faucet since she was three months old and finally has something to show for it!