Since you asked…

Here’s an awesome conversation (in Mandarin) between Zoe’s nanny, Ah-Rong Ahyi, as relayed to me by my mom.

Ahyi (to my mom): My father refuses to exercise and won’t listen to anyone. He’s been so difficult!

Zoe (listening in on the banter, though no one had addressed her directly): Have you tried giving Gong-Gong something good to eat (translation: a treat)?

Ahyi (surprised and amused): Oh, I didn’t think of that! What kind of treat should I give to him?

Zoe: Pumpkin seeds!

We’ve been so amazed by this little one’s conversational skills, both in Chinese and in English. She’s been speaking in full sentences and demonstrating quite a wide vocabulary for months now — it’s just non-stop entertaining!

I’m most amused by her interactions with her Daddy. She’s by all means the boss, and not even he can say no to her (not easily, anyway) the way she negotiates for things that she wants, from the words she uses, to her tone of voice to her facial expressions and very expressive body language. If only I could record every moment!