Zoecabulary: 16 month

Zoe’s vocabulary is blowin’ up! Her latest set of words:

  • YAO! (as in “Yao bu yao? YAO!” in Mandarin. Translation: “Would you like some? YES!”)
  • Op-EEEEENNNN! (said with much gusto and with accent on the 2nd syllable, often whilst holding a pack of cookies)
  • Orange (referring to lil cuties)
  • Beets (mom and dad’s go-to food when we can’t get her to eat anything else)
  • Poo-poo
  • Change
  • Eat! mum-mum
  • Sit
  • Pouch
  • Ahyi
  • Tso tso (translation: stinky, as in feet!)
  • Bei bei (translation: blanky)
  • Hao chi (tastes good)
  • Change (she looooves doing this one)
  • Eat
  • Airplane
  • More
  • Milk

Other accomplishments:

  • She can almost count to 10! She does much better in English than in Mandarin, but she’s definitely got the right sounds going in both.
  • Loves to sing: “Ba Luobo” (pick daikon radish), ABCs
  • Loves to dance, clap her hands and do “dance hands”